Posts for Tag: Bayou Wars

Bayou Wars 2012 – Rolling Dice Like There’s No Tomorrow

Well Bayou Wars 2012 has come and gone and many Jackson Gamers attended and ran games. Here are a few pictures I took.

John Switzer talks to Bill Majure at the registration table.

We arrived Friday at the hotel and jumped right in hosting and playing games. Mark Stevens ran a game. Larry Reeves hosted a Civil War game and Phil Young ran a Napoleonic game.

Larry Reeves'ACW game.

The set up for Phil's game. Larry Brom seated in the background

Massed French cavalry enters during Phil's game.

Mark Stevens'game

On Saturday Jim Pitts and Bill Hamilton ran games.

Jim's TSATF game set in Back of the Beyond.

Bill's pulp fiction game using I Ain't Been Shot Mum! rules.

During the game the rocket troops and US Marines occupy the temple while the bad guys try and make off with the archeaologists.

Bill's scifi game using Fast and Dirty rules.

More on Bayou Wars to come.