SATURDAY May 20, 2023
Location: Jim Pitts’ house (679 Tifton Drive, in south Jackson) MAP
Scale: 28mm
Title: The Village
Setting: Somewhere in British East Africa in the 1890s. An armed
British punitive expedition is dispatched to capture, but not destroy a village
of native African tribesmen who have too long disputed the peace of the
Rules: The Sword in Africa/The Sword and the Flame
Notes: For those using IH-55
to access south Jackson, please take the Savannah Street exit as the Daniel
Lake exit will be congested due to the Trail of Honor at the Harley Davidson
store at the exit. Once Savannah Street crosses Terry Road the name
changes to McCluer Road. Be mindful that the west bound lane of McCluer
Road at the Lakewood South Cemetery is in bad repair due to it sluffing into
the roadside drainage ditch. Road is passable, just take care.
All provisions will be
provided so please do
not bring any chips, cookies, or other snacks (per orders of
the “Chief of Staff” [my wife]).
You may park of the
street in front of my house or in front of the vacant lot just before my house.
Gamemaster: Jim Pitts