Game on Saturday, March 1, 2025

SATURDAY 03/01/2025 at 10:00

Location:  Jay Stribling's home  MAP
Scale: 15mm
Title: Battle of Chotusitz, 1742
Setting: King Frederick the Great vs Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine during the first Silesian war.  Link
Rules: Modified Brom standard
Notes: A light lunch will be served.
Gamemaster: Larry Reeves

Game on Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025

SATURDAY 02/01/2025 at 10:00 am

Location:   Fondren Presbyterian Church, 3220 Old Canton Road    MAP
Scale:  25mm
Title:  Battles at Brandywine River, 11 Sep 1777.
Setting:  As the British attack continues, Washington's embattled Continental army attempts to stave off the flank attack of Lord Cornwallis and the follow-up attack by General Knyphausen.
Rules:  Commands & Colors Tricorne.
Notes:  We'll be back in the church library.  If church front door is locked, please call 769-226-5754 and I'll come let you in.  And this time I'll make sure my phone isn't accidently in "airplane mode" as it was two weeks ago.  😜
We'll probably eat lunch at Quizno's sandwich shop.
Gamemaster:  Jim Pitts

Game on Saturday, Jan. 18, 2025

SATURDAY 01/18/2025 at 10:00 am

Location:  Fondren Presbyterian Church (in library)    MAP
Scale:  25mm
Title:  The Battle of the Brandywine, 11 Sep 1777
Setting:  General Washington's Continental army defends the approaches to the Continental capital at Philadelphia, PA from the advances of British General Howe's army.
Rules:  Commands & Colors Tricorne
We are doing two of the four scenarios from that battle - Washington's attack in the early morning and Cornwallis' flank attack later in the day.
Lunch will be provided courtesy of my amazing wife - her delicious white bean and chicken chili.  Please bring your favorite non-alcoholic beverage.
If the church door is locked, please call me at 769-226-5754 for admittance.
Gamemasters:   Jim Pitts and Jay Stribling

Game, Saturday, Jan. 4, 2025

SATURDAY Jan. 4, 2025 at 10:00 am

Location:  Alex's house   MAP
Scale: 28mm
Title: Paras vs Paras
Setting: American and British Paratroopers versus  Fallshirmjagers somewhere in NW Europe.
Rules: Bolt Action, Ed. 3
Notes: This will be an introduction to the "Bolt Action" 3rd edition rules.  Lunch will be provided.
Please RSVP directly to Alex at
Gamemasters: Alex and Ed
Hope to see you there!

Game on Saturday, Dec. 21, 2024

SATURDAY 12/21/2024 at 10:00

Location:  Alex's house    MAP
Scale: 1:285 microarmor
Title: Encounter on the North German Plain
Setting: Elements of the West German 6th and 3rd Panzer Divisions are cut off in Hamburg by advancing Pact forces. At the insistence of the Bundeswehr, the newly arrived US III Corps detached the US 4th Infantry Division (Mech) to the Netherlands for the relief attempt. Unbeknownst to the NATO Allies, the East German 7th Tank Division is starting its westward advance.
Rules: Memoir '84 (revised)
Notes: Lunch will be sandwiches.  Please RSVP directly to Alex at
Gamemaster: Alex Kirk